What is significant about Rebecca Latimer Felton? Choose two that apply.

a. she was the first woman in the united states to serve as a us senator.
b. she was the wife of a bourbon democrat.
c. she was an African american.
d. she was a reformer in georgia.

d. she was a reformer in Georgia.

Rebecca Latimer Felton was a prominent reformer in Georgia during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She was actively involved in various social and political causes, including women's rights, prison reform, and temperance. She played a crucial role in advocating for women's suffrage and was a key figure in the progressive movement in Georgia.

c. she was an African American.

This statement is incorrect. Rebecca Latimer Felton was not African American. She was a white woman from Georgia who was born into a wealthy and politically connected family. She is known for being the first woman to serve in the United States Senate in 1922, making her the first woman in the US to hold such a position.

which constiution amendment protects womans rights to vote

The 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution protects women's rights to vote. Ratified on August 18, 1920, it prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on sex. This amendment was a crucial step in achieving women's suffrage in the United States.

During the 1906 Atlanta Race Massacre, what were some of the contributing factors that led to heightened racial tensions?

a. disputed land ownership case
b. economic competition for jobs
c. the construction of a new city park
d. celebrations of cultural diversity in the city

a. disputed land ownership case

b. economic competition for jobs
c. the construction of a new city park

During the 1906 Atlanta Race Massacre, several contributing factors led to heightened racial tensions. One of these factors was a disputed land ownership case between white and black property owners, which aggravated racial animosity. Economic competition for jobs was another significant factor, as the influx of black workers from rural areas created tensions with white workers who felt threatened by the competition. Additionally, the construction of a new city park, Piedmont Park, exacerbated racial tensions. The park was initially intended to be a space for all races, but discriminatory practices, such as separate facilities for black and white visitors, further deepened racial divisions and grievances.

just one answer please

b. economic competition for jobs