how were the Spartans able to focus on military training and fighting?

the slaves grew their for them.
the women at home grew their food for them.
the children grew food for them
the men grew the food when they were not fighting

The Spartans were able to focus on military training and fighting due to a combination of factors. One important factor was the existence of helots, who were enslaved agricultural laborers that were owned by the Spartan city-state. The helots worked the land and produced the necessary food for the Spartans, which freed them from having to engage in farming or other manual labor.

Additionally, women played a role in supporting the Spartan warrior culture. While not directly involved in military training, they were responsible for managing the household and upbringing of children. This allowed the men to focus on military pursuits knowing that their domestic needs were being taken care of.

Furthermore, the Spartan education system placed a strong emphasis on physical training and military education from a young age. Boys were sent to military barracks, called agoge, where they underwent rigorous physical and mental training. This system ensured a steady supply of well-trained soldiers to protect the state.

Overall, it was a combination of slave labor, the domestic support of women, and a structured education system that allowed the Spartans to devote their energies to military training and fighting.