Reflect ABC over the x axis

To reflect ABC over the x-axis, we need to flip the position of each point with respect to the x-axis.

Let's say ABC is a triangle, and each point is represented by its coordinates as A(x₁, y₁), B(x₂, y₂), and C(x₃, y₃).

To reflect A(x₁, y₁) over the x-axis, we keep the x-coordinate the same but change the sign of the y-coordinate. So, the new position of A would be A'(x₁, -y₁).

Similarly, to reflect B(x₂, y₂) over the x-axis, the new position of B would be B'(x₂, -y₂), and for C(x₃, y₃), the new position would be C'(x₃, -y₃).

So, reflecting the triangle ABC over the x-axis would result in a new triangle A'B'C', with coordinates A'(x₁, -y₁), B'(x₂, -y₂), and C'(x₃, -y₃).