This brooch contains a miniature picture of American statesman Henry clay. Likely owned by clay or his ancestors this brooch is valued for what reason.

Scholastic value


Cultural heritage

Market value

The brooch is valued for its:

1. Scholastic value: It holds historical significance as it contains a miniature picture of Henry Clay, an important American statesman. It can serve as an educational tool for studying Clay's life and contributions to American politics. Scholars and historians may be interested in studying it for research purposes.

2. Provenance: If the brooch is likely owned by Henry Clay or his ancestors, it has a strong provenance. Provenance refers to the documented history of ownership, which adds to the authenticity and significance of an artifact. Clay's ownership or connection to the brooch enhances its historical value.

3. Cultural heritage: Henry Clay was a prominent figure in American history, known for his role in politics, diplomacy, and shaping the early foundations of the United States. The brooch, being associated with him, reflects a part of American cultural heritage and can provide insights into the personal life and tastes of Clay or his family.

4. Market value: Due to its historical significance and association with a notable figure, the brooch may have a high market value. Collectors or enthusiasts interested in American history, political memorabilia, or antique jewelry may be willing to pay a premium for such an item. The market value can vary based on factors like rarity, overall condition, and demand among collectors.