Demonstrating the properties of rotations, if a line segment with endpoints (0,−3) and (0,−7) is rotated 90° clockwise, what is an endpoint of this rotated segment?(1 point)

(0, 7)

(0, 3)

(−3, 0)

(3, 0)

To rotate a point 90° clockwise, you can use the following transformation rules:

(x, y) → (y, -x)

Let's apply these rules to the given endpoints:

For the first endpoint (0, -3):
(0, -3) → (-3, 0)

For the second endpoint (0, -7):
(0, -7) → (-7, 0)

So, the new endpoints after rotating the line segment 90° clockwise are (-3, 0) and (-7, 0).

However, the question asks for only one endpoint. Since we rotated the segment clockwise, the endpoint that is clockwise from the original segment is (-3, 0).

Therefore, the correct answer is (−3, 0).