An orange drink is made by mixing water and orange concentrates in the ratio of 5:1.

A.How much water is mixed with 6 litres of orange concentrate.
B. How much orange concentrate is in 24 litres of orange

A. Since the ratio of water to orange concentrate is 5:1, we need to find the amount of water that should be mixed with 6 litres of orange concentrate.

To find the amount of water, we can set up the proportion:
water/orange concentrate = 5/1

Let's call the amount of water x. The amount of orange concentrate is given as 6 litres.

So, x/6 = 5/1

Cross-multiplying, we get:
x = 6 * 5/1
x = 30/1
x = 30 litres

Therefore, 30 litres of water should be mixed with 6 litres of orange concentrate.

B. Following the same logic, we can find the amount of orange concentrate in 24 litres of orange drink.

The ratio of water to orange concentrate is still 5:1.

Let's call the amount of orange concentrate y. The amount of water is given as 24 litres.

So, 5y = 1*24

Dividing both sides by 5, we get:
y = 24/5
y = 4.8 litres

Therefore, 4.8 litres of orange concentrate is present in 24 litres of orange drink.