What factors contributed to the decline of the Brazil titanium empire select the three grade answers

1. Economic downturn: The decline of the Brazil titanium empire was influenced by the economic downturn in the country. Economic recessions and the subsequent decrease in demand for titanium products had a negative impact on the empire's profitability.

2. Environmental concerns: Increased awareness about the environmental impact of titanium mining and production contributed to the decline of the empire. Concerns about deforestation, water pollution, and other negative consequences associated with titanium extraction led to stricter regulations and public opposition, which affected the empire's operations.

3. Competition from other countries: The rise of titanium production in other countries, such as China and Australia, posed significant competition to the Brazil titanium empire. These countries were able to produce titanium at a lower cost, causing the Brazilian empire to lose market share and struggle to maintain its competitiveness.

Note: The given answer options were limited, and there may be additional factors contributing to the decline of the Brazil titanium empire.