The program below is designed to ask a user their age and then print how old the user will be in ten years, along with the year itself. It will next print how old the user is in twenty years, along with that year. Next, it should double the user's age and print that value. Finally, it should calculate the year in which the user will be twice as old as he or she is currently (by adding the current age to the current year).

The program is not working as expected. Use the following steps to debug the program using the debugger:

At the top, where shown by the comment, add an import statement to bring in the Python debugger (pdf).
Under the import statement, add a pdb.set_trace() method to set a breakpoint.
When you run the program, it should now pause before the first statement and allow you to use the debugger commands. Use the debugger to study the program flow and variable contents. Fix all errors so the program works as expected. You must leave the debugger import and breakpoint statements in your code when you Preview or Submit!

The following examples demonstrate the expected program output (assuming the user hits "c" immediately in the debugger to continue the program).

#import the debugger and set a breakpoint

import pdb

# Set a breakpoint

age = int(input("How old are you? "))
year = int(input("What year is it? "))

tenAge = age + 10
tenYears = year + 10
print("You will be", tenAge, "years old in", tenYears)

twentyYears = age + 20
twentyAge = year + 20
print("You will be", twentyAge, "years old in", twentyYears)

twiceAge = age * 2
twiceYears = year + age
print("Twice your age is", twiceAge, "years old")
print("You will be twice as old in", twiceYears)

#import the debugger and set a breakpoint

import pdb

# Set a breakpoint

age = int(input("How old are you? "))
year = int(input("What year is it? "))

tenAge = age + 10
tenYears = year + 10
print("You will be", tenAge, "years old in", tenYears)

twentyAge = age + 20
twentyYears = year + 20
print("You will be", twentyAge, "years old in", twentyYears)

twiceAge = age * 2
twiceYears = year + age
print("Twice your age is", twiceAge, "years old")
print("You will be twice as old in", twiceYears)