List 15 blessings God can give to you if you obey him

1. Guidance: God can provide clear direction and wisdom in making life decisions.

2. Protection: God can shield you from harm and dangerous situations.
3. Peace: God can grant inner peace and contentment regardless of circumstances.
4. Provision: God can provide for your needs, whether material, emotional, or spiritual.
5. Healing: God can restore physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
6. Favor: God can bring forth opportunities, favor, and success in various aspects of life.
7. Joy: God can fill your heart with genuine joy and happiness.
8. Purpose: God can reveal your unique purpose and calling in life.
9. Deliverance: God can set you free from addictions, bondages, and unhealthy patterns.
10. Relationships: God can bless your relationships with love, forgiveness, and unity.
11. Contentment: God can help you find contentment and satisfaction in every stage of life.
12. Strength: God can provide the strength and endurance to overcome challenges.
13. Discernment: God can give you wisdom and discernment to make sound decisions.
14. Provision: God can open doors of opportunities and bless your efforts.
15. Eternal life: God offers eternal life and the promise of being united with Him in heaven.