Explain the following garment construction methods


Weaving: Weaving is a garment construction method where two sets of threads, the warp and the weft, are interlaced together to create a fabric. The warp threads are stretched vertically on a loom, and the weft threads are inserted horizontally through the warp using a shuttle, creating a strong and stable fabric.

Crotchetting: Crochetting is a garment construction method that involves creating fabric by interlocking loops of yarn or thread using a crochet hook. The crochet hook is used to pull yarn through existing loops to create various stitches, which can be manipulated to form different patterns and textures.

Knitting: Knitting is a garment construction method that involves creating fabric by using two or more needles to interlock loops of yarn together. The loops are created by wrapping the yarn around the needles and pulling it through existing loops. The stitches can be arranged in different patterns to create various textures and designs.

Felting: Felting is a garment construction method that involves transforming loose fibers, usually wool, into a dense fabric by subjecting them to heat, moisture, and friction. The heat and moisture cause the wool fibers to open up and interlock together, creating a solid fabric without the need for additional stitching or weaving. Felting can be done by hand or by machine.