What are the coordinate points of A' (6,3) if A undergoes A rotation of: 90°clockwise 270° clockwise

To find the coordinate points of A' after a rotation, we can use the equations for rotating a point around the origin.

90° clockwise rotation:

The equation for a 90° clockwise rotation is:

x' = y
y' = -x

Substituting the coordinates of A (6,3) into these equations, we get:

x' = 3
y' = -6

Therefore, the coordinate points of A' after a 90° clockwise rotation are A' (3, -6).

270° clockwise rotation:

The equation for a 270° clockwise rotation is:

x' = -y
y' = x

Substituting the coordinates of A (6,3), we get:

x' = -3
y' = 6

Therefore, the coordinate points of A' after a 270° clockwise rotation are A' (-3, 6).