The ice point of an ungraduated mercury in glass thermometer is x Y is steam point is 90° this thermometer reads 60° when the true temperature is 40° C calculate the value of x

To calculate the value of x, we need to determine the difference between the ice point and the steam point on the thermometer.

Given that the ice point is x and the steam point is 90°, the difference would be 90° - x.

Since the thermometer reads 60° when the true temperature is 40°C, the difference between the reading and the true temperature is 60° - 40°C = 20°C.

We can set up the following equation:

[true temperature (40°C) - ice point (x)] / [steam point (90°) - ice point (x)] = difference (20°C) / difference on the thermometer (90° - x)

Using the equation above, we can solve for x:

(40°C - x) / (90° - x) = 20°C / (90° - x)


20°C (90° - x) = (40°C - x) (90° - x)

1800°C - 20x°C = 3600°C - 40x°C + x²

Rearranging the equation and moving all terms to one side:

x² - 20x°C - 1800°C + 3600°C - 1800°C = 0

x² - 20x°C + 1800°C = 0

Applying the quadratic formula:

x = [-(-20) ± √((-20)² - 4(1)(1800))] / (2 * 1)
x = [20 ± √(400 - 7200)] / 2
x = [20 ± √(-6800)] / 2

Since we cannot take the square root of a negative number, there are no real solutions for x in this case.