Bernice received the following scores on five science tests: 96, 77, 82, 91 and 89. Which of the following statements is true?

A)The median of the set of scores is 82

B)The mean of the set is less than the median.

C)The mode of the set of scores is 96
D)The mean of the set is greater than the median.

A)The median of the set of scores is 82.

To find the median, we need to arrange the scores in order from least to greatest:
77, 82, 89, 91, 96.

Since there are five numbers in the set, the median will be the third number, which is 89.

Therefore, statement A is false.

B)The mean of the set is less than the median.

To find the mean, we need to add up all the scores and divide by the total number of scores:
(96 + 77 + 82 + 91 + 89) / 5 = 87

The median is 89, which is greater than 87.

Therefore, statement B is true.

C)The mode of the set of scores is 96.

The mode refers to the number that appears most frequently in the set. In this case, no number appears more than once, so there is no mode.

Therefore, statement C is false.

D)The mean of the set is greater than the median.

As stated earlier, the mean is 87 and the median is 89.

Therefore, statement D is false.

In summary, the only true statement is B) The mean of the set is less than the median.