Use the order of operations to simplify 8+7⋅6−3⋅4+6⋅7.(1 point)

A 2, 478
B 80
C 120
D 36

To simplify this expression using the order of operations, we need to follow the acronym PEMDAS:

P - Parentheses
There are no parentheses in this expression.

E - Exponents
There are no exponents in this expression.

MD - Multiplication and Division (from left to right)
8 + 7 * 6 - 3 * 4 + 6 * 7
= 8 + 42 - 3 * 4 + 6 * 7
= 8 + 42 - 12 + 6 * 7
= 8 + 42 - 12 + 42

AS - Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)
= 50 - 12 + 42
= 38 + 42
= 80

Therefore, the simplified expression is 80, so the answer is B.