Enter the number that makes the following mathematical statement true. 7 ⋅ g − 35 = 7 (g − __)

To make the mathematical statement true, we need to ensure that both sides of the equation are equal.

In this case, we have:

7 ⋅ g - 35 = 7 (g - __)

We can solve this by using the distributive property to expand the right side of the equation:

7 ⋅ g - 35 = 7g - 7 × __

Now, we can see that if we multiply 7 by a number, the result will be 7 times that number.

So, to balance the equation, we need to find a number that, when multiplied by 7, will give us -7 × __.

To find this number, we can divide both sides of the equation by 7:

(7 ⋅ g - 35) / 7 = (7g - 7 × __) / 7

Simplifying, we get:

g - 5 = g - __

So, the missing number is 5.