Dejana has a laptop resting on her desk. The desk is 5 times wider than the laptop. The difference between the width of the desk and the width of the laptop is x inches. Which of the following expressions represents the width of the laptop? A) 5x B) x/5 C) x/4 D) x/3 + x

Let's say the width of the laptop is L inches. Then the width of the desk is 5L inches. According to the problem, the difference between the width of the desk and the width of the laptop is x inches. We can write this as an equation:

5L - L = x
Simplifying the equation, we have:
4L = x
Dividing both sides of the equation by 4, we get:
L = x/4
Therefore, the width of the laptop is x/4 inches.
The correct answer is C) x/4.