A goverment of our own is our natural right

A government of our own is indeed considered a natural right for individuals and communities. This concept stems from the belief in self-determination, which asserts that people have the inherent right to govern themselves and make decisions that affect their lives and wellbeing.

Having a government of our own ensures that the interests, values, and needs of a specific group are represented and protected. It allows people to shape their own destiny, exercise their political freedoms, and participate in the decision-making processes that impact their lives.

Additionally, a government of our own enables the establishment of laws, regulations, and institutions that reflect the unique characteristics and aspirations of a particular community. It allows for the formulation and implementation of policies that prioritize the welfare and development of its citizens.

When people are denied the right to have their own government, it can lead to various forms of oppression, discrimination, and injustices. Without self-governance, people may be subjected to external control and governance that does not adequately address their needs or respect their rights.

However, it is important to note that the concept of a government of our own is not absolute. It must be balanced with the recognition of the rights and freedoms of others, as well as the need to comply with international laws and norms. It is through responsible and inclusive governance that the natural right to have a government of our own can be fully realized.