How would you describe the effect on the coordinates of the vertices of a figure that is translated to the left 6 units and up 5 units?

Subtract 5 units from each x -value and add 6 units to each y -value.

Subtract 6 units from each x -value and add 5 units to each y -value.

Add 6 units to each x -value and add 5 units to each y -value.

Subtract 6 units from each y-value and add 5 units to each x-value.

Subtract 6 units from each x-value and add 5 units to each y-value.

A triangle with a vertex (−3, 5) is translated up 6 units. What are the coordinates of this vertex after it is translated? Draw a graph if necessary.

To translate a point up 6 units, we need to add 6 units to the y-coordinate of the point.

So, for the vertex (-3, 5), after it is translated up 6 units, the new coordinates will be (-3, 5+6) = (-3, 11).

The coordinates of the vertex after it is translated are (-3, 11).

Graphically, if we draw a coordinate plane and plot the original vertex (-3, 5) and the translated vertex (-3, 11), we can see that the translation moves the point vertically up by 6 units.

If the given triangle ABC is translated 8 units down, what are the coordinates of point B′

To translate a point down 8 units, we need to subtract 8 units from the y-coordinate of the point.

If we have a triangle ABC and want to find the coordinates of point B' after it is translated 8 units down, we would subtract 8 from the y-coordinate of point B.

So, if the original coordinates of point B are (x, y), the coordinates of B' after the translation would be (x, y-8).