Which of the following is an irrational number?

-1 5/29

The irrational number among the given options is ^2/3.

The circumference of a circle equals pi times the diameter. Using 3.14 to approximate pi, what is the approximate circumference in inches of a circle with a diameter of 1/2in.?

The diameter of the circle is 1/2 inches.

Using the formula for the circumference of a circle, we can calculate the circumference:

Circumference = π * diameter

Approximating π as 3.14, we have:

Circumference = 3.14 * (1/2)

Circumference = 3.14 * 0.5

Circumference ≈ 1.57 inches

Therefore, the approximate circumference of the circle with a diameter of 1/2 inch is 1.57 inches.

9/4 is close to the square root of what integer?

To find an integer that is close to the square root of 9/4, we can calculate the square root of 9.

√9 = 3

So, the square root of 9/4 is close to the square root of 9, which is an integer.

Therefore, 9/4 is close to the square root of 9, which is an integer.