which of the following is true regarding quantal dose response study

It is true that a quantal dose-response study is a type of experiment in which different doses of a substance are administered to groups of subjects, and the response is measured as a binary outcome (e.g., presence or absence of a specific effect or response).

In a quantal dose-response study, the goal is typically to determine the effective dose or concentration that produces a particular response or effect in a specified proportion of the population (e.g., ED50 - the dose that results in a 50% response rate).

This type of study is often used in toxicology, pharmacology, and other fields to assess the potency, efficacy, and safety of drugs or substances. It helps researchers determine the dose at which a particular response is more likely to occur and establish dose-response relationships.

Therefore, it can be concluded that quantal dose-response studies are used to assess the relationship between drug doses and their effects on a binary response outcome.