What the dashboard in academic show

The dashboard in academia typically shows important information and metrics related to a student's academic progress and performance. It can include details such as:

1. Course schedule: The dashboard may display the courses a student is currently enrolled in, including the dates, times, and locations of classes.

2. Grades: It can provide a summary of the student's current grades in each course, including individual assignment and exam scores, as well as an overall GPA (Grade Point Average).

3. Attendance: The dashboard may indicate the student's attendance record, showing the number of classes attended and missed.

4. Assignments and deadlines: It can present a list of upcoming assignments, along with their due dates, allowing students to stay organized and plan their work accordingly.

5. Course materials: The dashboard might provide access to course materials, such as lecture notes, slides, readings, and required textbooks.

6. Announcements: It can display important announcements or messages from professors regarding the course, assignments, exams, or any changes in the syllabus.

7. Progress tracking: The dashboard may include progress indicators, such as completion status of assignments, quizzes, or modules, enabling students to track their progress throughout the semester.

8. Discussion forums: It can integrate discussion forums or message boards where students can engage in academic discussions, seek clarifications, or collaborate with classmates.

9. Calendar: The dashboard might include a calendar feature that allows students to view important dates, such as exam dates, project deadlines, or class cancellations.

10. Personalized recommendations: Some academic dashboards provide personalized recommendations for resources, study materials, or additional courses based on a student's academic profile and career goals.

Overall, an academic dashboard aims to provide students with a centralized platform where they can access and manage important academic information easily and efficiently.