Demonstrate the translation of a line segment of 3 units to the left and 5 units down if the endpoints of the line segment are (−2, 7) and (0, 3) .(1 point)


(−5, 2) and (−3,−2)

(−7, 4) and (−5, 0)

(−5, 7) and (−3, 3)

(1, 2) and (3,−2)

The correct answer is (−5, 2) and (−3,−2).

To translate a point to the left, you subtract the desired number of units from the x-coordinate. In this case, we want to move 3 units to the left, so we subtract 3 from both the x-coordinates of the endpoints.

To translate a point down, you subtract the desired number of units from the y-coordinate. In this case, we want to move 5 units down, so we subtract 5 from both the y-coordinates of the endpoints.

Applying these translations to the given endpoints, we get:

Endpoint 1: (−2, 7) -> (−2 - 3, 7 - 5) -> (-5, 2)

Endpoint 2: (0, 3) -> (0 - 3, 3 - 5) -> (-3, -2)

Therefore, the translated endpoints are (−5, 2) and (−3,−2).