1. THB that School loans are more exploitive than contributive to students *Opposition facts

While it is true that school loans can burden students with significant debt, there are several opposition facts that argue against the notion that they are more exploitive than contributive:

1. Access to Education: School loans provide access to education for countless students who might not be able to afford it otherwise. Without loans, many individuals from low-income backgrounds would be unable to attend college or pursue higher education, limiting their future earning potential and career opportunities.

2. Investment in Future: By taking out loans, students are making an investment in their future. Education is often seen as a pathway to securing well-paying jobs and higher earnings throughout one's career. Loans enable students to gain the necessary skills and qualifications for such opportunities, ultimately leading to long-term financial benefits.

3. Loan Repayment Options: Various repayment options are available to borrowers, such as income-driven repayment plans and loan forgiveness programs. These options provide flexibility and relief for borrowers facing financial hardships, ensuring that the burden of loan repayment is manageable.

4. Increased Lifetime Earnings: Studies have consistently shown that individuals with college degrees tend to earn higher incomes over their lifetime compared to those without higher education. By taking out loans to finance their education, students are investing in their future earning potential, potentially outweighing the initial burden of debt.

5. Boost to the Economy: Access to education through loans contributes to economic growth and progress. An educated workforce leads to higher productivity, innovation, and overall economic development. The long-term economic benefits can outweigh the short-term burden of student loan debt.

It is essential to consider these opposition facts when discussing the exploitative nature of school loans, as they highlight the positive outcomes and long-term advantages that borrowers can experience.