The diagram shows part of the carbon cycle. CO2 Photosynthesis Respiration ( 1 point) Plants Animals Combustion Decomposers Decomposition Fossil fuels Carbon dioxide molecules are absorbed by plant during photosynthesis Carbon is dissolved in water to form a solution Carbon is released by animals during respiration .

Plants, animals, and decomposers all play a role in the carbon cycle.

During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules from the atmosphere and use them, along with water and sunlight, to produce glucose and oxygen. This process helps to remove CO2 from the air and convert it into organic matter.

Animals, on the other hand, release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere during respiration. They take in oxygen and release CO2 as a waste product.

Decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, break down dead plants and animals and release carbon dioxide through the process of decomposition. This returns carbon back to the atmosphere or soil.

Combustion, which includes burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas, also releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This is because fossil fuels are formed from ancient organic matter and contain carbon atoms. When these fuels are burned, the carbon in them combines with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide.

Fossil fuels are carbon-rich resources that have accumulated over millions of years, and their combustion significantly increases the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is a major driver of climate change and the greenhouse effect.

A Carbon dioxide molecules are absorbed by plant during photosynthesis

B Carbon is dissolved in water to form a solution
C Carbon is released by animals during respiration .


A) During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide molecules from the atmosphere and use them, along with water and sunlight, to produce glucose and oxygen.
B) Carbon is indeed dissolved in water to form a solution. This can occur when carbon dioxide dissolves in water, which can happen in bodies of water like oceans, lakes, and rivers.
C) Animals release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere during respiration. They take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide as a waste product.

Which one is the answer

The answer is:

A) Carbon dioxide molecules are absorbed by plants during photosynthesis.