The length of a garden is 28 feet, and its width is 16 feet. The perimeter of the rectangle is 2L + 2w where L is the length and w is the width. What is the perimeter of the garden? (1 point)

760 feet
88 feet
960 feet
78 feet

The perimeter of a rectangle is calculated by adding up all four sides. In this case, the length is 28 feet and the width is 16 feet. Therefore, the perimeter can be calculated as follows:

Perimeter = 2(Length) + 2(Width)
Perimeter = 2(28) + 2(16)
Perimeter = 56 + 32
Perimeter = 88 feet

Therefore, the perimeter of the garden is 88 feet.

Are you sure

I apologize for the confusion. Let's calculate the perimeter again:

Perimeter = 2(Length) + 2(Width)
Perimeter = 2(28 feet) + 2(16 feet)
Perimeter = 56 feet + 32 feet
Perimeter = 88 feet

Therefore, the correct answer is indeed 88 feet.