What is the correct way to write an inequality for the following statement? Eleven less than five times a number n is greater than or equal to 15.(1 point) Responses 5n−11>15 5 n minus 11 greater than 15 5n−11≤15 5 n minus 11 less-than-or-equal-to 15 11−5n≥15 11 minus 5 n greater-than-or-equal-to 15 5n−11≥15

To represent the scenario, we need to consider the time it takes for each trip to the supermarket and back, as well as the time spent tying her shoes and checking the route.

Let t represent the number of trips Katlyn can take to the supermarket and back in 60 minutes.

Each trip takes 20 minutes, and she also spends 1 minute tying her shoes and 2 minutes checking the route. Therefore, the total time for t trips is:

20t + 3

This expression should be less than or equal to 60, since she cannot spend more than 60 minutes on this activity. Hence, the correct inequality is:

20t + 3 ≤ 60

The correct way to write the inequality for the given statement is:

5n - 11 ≥ 15

What is the correct way to write an inequality for the following statement? Eleven less than five times a number n is greater than or equal to 15.(1 point)

The correct way to write an inequality for the given statement is:

5n - 11 ≥ 15

Deidre has $100 to spend on new clothes. She knows she wants to buy a pair of jeans for $32 and spend the rest on shirts. If each shirt costs $18, how many shirts can she buy? Which of the following inequalities represents this situation?(1 point) Responses 18c+32≥100 18 c plus 32 greater-than-or-equal-to 100 18c+32<100 18 c plus 32 less than 100 18c+32≤100

To solve this problem, we need to subtract the cost of the jeans from the total amount Deidre has to spend on clothes and then divide the remaining amount by the cost of each shirt.

Let c represent the number of shirts she can buy.

The cost of the jeans is $32 and the cost of each shirt is $18. The amount she has left to spend on shirts is $100 - $32.

So, we have the inequality:

18c + 32 ≤ 100

Solve the following inequality: −3p+18<−9 .(1 point) Responses p<9 p less than 9 p<−9 p less than negative 9 p>−9 p greater than negative 9 p>9

To solve the inequality −3p + 18 < −9, we need to isolate p.

First, we subtract 18 from both sides of the inequality:

−3p + 18 - 18 < −9 - 18

Simplifying, we have:

−3p < −27

Next, we divide both sides by −3. Remember that when dividing by a negative number, we need to reverse the inequality:

p > 9

Therefore, the correct solution is p greater than 9.

Write an inequality that represents the following scenario: Katlyn takes 20 minutes to walk from her house to the supermarket and back. After stepping outside her house, she takes 1 minute to tie her shoes and 2 minutes to check the route on her phone. How many trips can she take to the supermarket and back in 60 minutes?(1 point) Responses 20t−3≤60 20 t minus 3 less-than-or-equal-to 60 20t+3≥60 20 t plus 3 greater-than-or-equal-to 60 20t+3<60 20 t plus 3 less than 60 20t+3≤60