A restaurant pays servers $11.00 per hour. For all tips received in a shift, half of the total goes to the kitchen staff and half is split equally between all the servers.

During an 8-hour shift, 3 servers worked together and collected $540.00 in tips. How much did one server earn during that shift?

A $195.80

B $142.40

C $213.60

D $178.00

First, find the total amount of tips collected by the servers: $540.00 / 2 = $<<540/2=270.00>>270.00

Then divide that amount by the number of servers to find how much each server gets from the tip pool: $270.00 / 3 servers = $<<270/3=90.00>>90.00
Then multiply the servers' hourly wage by the number of hours they worked to find their earnings before tips: $11.00/hour * 8 hours = $<<11*8=88.00>>88.00
Then add the tip earnings to find the servers' total earnings: $88.00 + $90.00 = $<<88+90=178.00>>178.00.
The final answer is D. $178.00.