Write an inequality that represents the following scenario: Katlyn takes 20 minutes to walk from her house to the supermarket and back. After stepping outside her house, she takes 1 minute to tie her shoes and 2 minutes to check the route on her phone. How many trips can she take to the supermarket and back in 60 minutes?(1 point) Responses 20t+3≤60 20 t plus 3 less-than-or-equal-to 60 20t+3<60 20 t plus 3 less than 60 20t−3≤60 20 t minus 3 less-than-or-equal-to 60 20t+3≥60

Let's represent the number of trips Katlyn can take as "t".

To go to the supermarket and back, Katlyn takes 20 minutes. Additionally, she spends 1 minute tying her shoes and 2 minutes checking the route on her phone.

So, the total time for each trip can be represented as 20 + 1 + 2 = 23 minutes.

Since Katlyn needs to fit all her trips within 60 minutes, we can write the inequality:

23t ≤ 60

Therefore, the correct inequality is 23t ≤ 60.