Solve 5x9<8 . Write your answer as a mixed number.

X <

The inequality 5x9<8 simplifies to 45<8. This inequality is not true since 45 is greater than 8. So, there is no value of x that satisfies this inequality. Therefore, the answer is x < 0.


Apologies for the confusion. Let's solve the inequality 5x9 < 8:

First, we'll divide both sides of the inequality by 5:

(5x9) / 5 < 8 / 5

9x < 8/5

Now, let's divide both sides of the inequality by 9:

(9x) / 9 < (8/5) / 9

x < 8/45

So, the solution to the inequality 5x9 < 8 is x < 8/45.