Which of the following limited opportunities for freedmen in the South after the Civil War ended?(1 point)Responses Radical Reconstruction Radical Reconstruction Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan The Black Codesthe Black Codes The Fourteenth Amendment

The limited opportunities for freedmen in the South after the Civil War ended included the Black Codes and the limited protections provided by the Fourteenth Amendment.

black codes or fourteenth amendment

I apologize for the confusion. The limited opportunities for freedmen in the South after the Civil War ended primarily resulted from the implementation of the Black Codes. These were a series of discriminatory laws enacted by Southern states to restrict the rights and freedoms of African Americans. These codes aimed to maintain white supremacy by imposing harsh labor contracts and limiting the civil and political rights of freedmen.

On the other hand, the Fourteenth Amendment was a constitutional amendment ratified in 1868 that granted citizenship and equal protection under the law to all individuals born or naturalized in the United States, including former slaves. However, despite its passage, the South found ways to undermine the intent of the amendment through the implementation of the Black Codes and other discriminatory practices.