How do you write 50% as a fraction, mixed number, or whole number?

To write 50% as a fraction, you simply write it in the form of a fraction with the number 100 as the denominator. Thus, 50% can be written as 50/100.

To simplify this fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which in this case is 50. So, 50/100 simplifies to 1/2.

Therefore, 50% as a fraction is written as 1/2.

To express it as a mixed number, you divide the numerator (50) by the denominator (100). The quotient is 0 with a remainder of 50. So, 50/100 as a mixed number is 0 50/100, which can be further simplified to 0 1/2.

To represent 50% as a whole number, you convert it to its decimal form by dividing 50 by 100. The decimal equivalent of 50% is 0.5.

Hence, 50% as a whole number is 0.5.