What you think about the novel’s close connection between spiritual knowledge and literal treasure?

2. Santiago spends and surrenders several fortunes in his quest for the treasure throughout the novel. What does this have to do with the theme?

The close connection between spiritual knowledge and literal treasure in the novel signifies the importance of looking beyond material wealth and seeking inner fulfillment. Santiago's journey for the treasure is not only a physical one but also a spiritual quest for self-discovery and enlightenment. The treasure represents not just monetary riches but also the fulfillment of one's dreams and the realization of one's true purpose in life.

Santiago's willingness to spend and surrender several fortunes in his pursuit of the treasure aligns with the theme of taking risks and making sacrifices for the pursuit of one's dreams. It shows that true fulfillment often requires letting go of material attachments and embracing the unknown. By letting go of his comfort and security, Santiago displays his unwavering dedication and faith in the journey.

Additionally, Santiago's surrendering of fortunes serves as a metaphorical representation of the idea that sometimes one must lose everything to gain something greater. It teaches the reader that true wealth lies not in material possessions but in the experiences, wisdom, and spiritual growth attained along the way.

Overall, the theme of spiritual knowledge and literal treasure intertwines throughout the novel, highlighting the importance of inner fulfillment and the sacrifices needed to achieve it.