Find the surface area of the rectangle pyramid with these measurements left equals 13 cm, equals 11 cm and height equals 8 cm express your answer as a decimal runner to the nearest hundred

To find the surface area of a rectangular pyramid, we need to calculate the areas of the base and the four triangular faces.

The formula for the surface area of a rectangular pyramid is:
Surface Area = (0.5 × base × height) + (base1 × height1) + (base2 × height2) + (base3 × height3) + (base4 × height4)

Given the measurements:
Base (length) = 13 cm
Base (width) = 11 cm
Height = 8 cm

The formula becomes:
Surface Area = (0.5 × 13 cm × 11 cm) + (13 cm × 8 cm) + (11 cm × 8 cm) + (13 cm × 8 cm) + (11 cm × 8 cm)

Calculating the values:
Surface Area = (0.5 × 143 cm²) + (104 cm²) + (88 cm²) + (104 cm²) + (88 cm²)
Surface Area = 71.5 cm² + 104 cm² + 88 cm² + 104 cm² + 88 cm²
Surface Area = 456.5 cm²

Therefore, the surface area of the rectangular pyramid is 456.5 cm².