An isosceles triangle has an area of 125 ft? If the base is 14 ft, what is the length of each leg?

Round the answer to the nearest tenth
(1 point)
• 19.2 f
• 17.9 ft
• 36.4 ft
• 22.7 ft

The area of an isosceles triangle is given by the formula A = (1/2)bh, where A is the area, b is the base, and h is the height.

We are given that the base of the triangle is 14 ft and the area is 125 ft^2.

125 = (1/2)(14)h
250 = 14h
h = 250/14
h ≈ 17.857 ft

Since the triangle is isosceles, both legs have the same length. Therefore, each leg of the triangle is approximately 17.9 ft.

Thus, the correct answer is:
• 17.9 ft