What does the use of animals show about Yardis?

The use of animals in Yardis could indicate a few things about the brand:

1. Connection with nature and sustainability: Yardis may value the environment and stress the importance of sustainable practices. By using animal imagery, they could be emphasizing their eco-friendly approach to their products or services.

2. Emphasis on organic and natural ingredients: Yardis might promote products that are derived from or inspired by animals, such as organic skincare or natural remedies. By using animals in their branding, they could be conveying that they prioritize natural and holistic approaches to personal care.

3. Symbol of purity and gentleness: Animals often symbolize innocence, purity, and gentleness. Yardis may want to present their brand as trustworthy, ethical, and mild in their approach. This can appeal to customers who prefer natural and cruelty-free products.

4. Personal connection and emotional appeal: Animals have a strong emotional appeal, and their use in advertising can evoke positive emotions from consumers. Yardis may be using animals to create an emotional bond with their target audience and foster a sense of closeness and familiarity.

Overall, the use of animals by Yardis suggests an emphasis on nature, sustainability, gentle care, and an emotional connection with their products or services.