Assume the line AB←→ and a point P not on the line have already been constructed. What is the first step to construct a line parallel to AB←→ passing through the point P?(1 point) Responses Us a compass to draw an arc centered at point A that intersects AB←→ , and label the intersection point C. Us a compass to draw an arc centered at point A that intersects over left right arrow cap A cap b, and label the intersection point C. Use a compass to draw an arc centered at point B that intersects the line AB←→ and label the intersection point C. Use a compass to draw an arc centered at point B that intersects the line over left right arrow cap A cap b and label the intersection point C. Construct another point Q different from point P that is not on the line. Construct another point Q different from point P that is not on the line. Use a compass to draw an arc centered at point P that intersects line AB←→ and label the intersection points C and D. Use a compass to draw an arc centered at point P that intersects line over left right arrow cap A cap b and label the intersection points C and D.

Use a compass to draw an arc centered at point P that intersects line AB←→ and label the intersection points C and D.