Using the following vocabulary, describe in Spanish, what you do in your spare time write two sentences in Spanish.

-después de
-los fines de semana
-los lunes/martes/miércoles/jurves/viernes

Después de la escuela, los fines de semana, los lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves y viernes, voy al gimnasio a hacer ejercicio y luego salgo a pasear por el parque con mis amigos.

What kind of things might you be able to buy at a mercadio? Write your answer in English.

At a mercado, you might be able to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, seafood, spices, clothing, handicrafts, and other local products.

What kind of things might you be able to buy at a mercadillo? Write your answer in English.

At a mercadillo, you might be able to buy a variety of items such as second-hand clothing, artisan crafts, antiques, vintage items, books, plants, and miscellaneous household items.