A student observes interactions between two sets of electrically charged objects. In each set, the objects carry either a charge of –1 or +1 Coulomb. Which question can the student ask to identify the set with the stronger interaction?(1 point)


Are the objects both positively charged or both negatively charged?
Are the objects both positively charged or both negatively charged?

How large are the objects in each set?
How large are the objects in each set?

How far apart are the objects in each interaction?
How far apart are the objects in each interaction?

What is the mass of each object in the interactions?

The question the student can ask to identify the set with the stronger interaction is: "How far apart are the objects in each interaction?"

Object A has a charge of –1 Coulomb. At a given distance, the object with which charge would be most strongly attracted by object A?(1 point)


+2 C
+2 C

+1 C
+1 C

–2 C
–2 C

–1 C

The object with which charge would be most strongly attracted by object A is: +2 C

Use the table of observations about the electric force between charged objects to answer the question.

Charge of Object 1 (C) Charge of Object 2 (C) Distance (mm) Amount of Electric Force
+1 +1 4 medium
–1 –1 2 strong
–2 +2 4 strong
An object with a charge of +1 C is 10 mm from an object with a charge of +1 C. Based on the data in the table, which type and amount of electrical force will there most likely be between the two objects?

repulsive, weak

attractive, strong

attractive, weak

repulsive, strong
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Based on the data in the table, the most likely type and amount of electrical force between the two objects (one with a charge of +1 C and the other also with a charge of +1 C) is repulsive, weak.

How does the magnitude of the electrical charge on objects affect the electric force between them?(1

As the charge increases, the force increases in strength.

As the charge increases, the force decreases in strength.

As the charge increases, the force becomes more negative.

As the charge increases, the force becomes more attractive.

As the charge increases, the force increases in strength.

What was General Ulysses S. Grant’s strategy to win the war?

(1 point)

to utilize the navy more effectively
to utilize the navy more effectively

to wage total war on the South
to wage total war on the South

to bring the war to the territories in the West
to bring the war to the territories in the West

to allow freed slaves to fight for the North

General Ulysses S. Grant's strategy to win the war was to wage total war on the South.

What was an effect of the Emancipation Proclamation?

(1 point)

Many free African-Americans volunteered to fight for the Union.
Many free African-Americans volunteered to fight for the Union.

Enslaved African-Americans in the South were immediately freed.
Enslaved African-Americans in the South were immediately freed.

The South was forced to surrender.
The South was forced to surrender.

Owning slaves became a crime punishable by death.

An effect of the Emancipation Proclamation was that many free African-Americans volunteered to fight for the Union.