What is the connection among sectionalism slavery and states rights as causes of the Civil War? How did the southern response to the 1860 election results demonstrate this connection? Explain in 3-4 sentences

The connection among sectionalism, slavery, and states' rights as causes of the Civil War lies in the fact that these issues were deeply intertwined and overlapping. Sectionalism, which refers to the loyalty to one's own region rather than to the nation as a whole, was driven by the conflicting interests and economies of the Northern and Southern states, with slavery being the key issue of contention. States' rights, on the other hand, were invoked by Southern states to defend their perceived right to maintain and expand slavery. The Southern response to the 1860 election results demonstrated this connection as several Southern states seceded from the Union, arguing that their states' rights were being violated due to the election of President Abraham Lincoln, who was seen as a threat to the institution of slavery.