A marble sculpture has been repaired and is ready for display. Which two specialists might work together to create written information tags for the display? (1 point) Responses conservator and archaeologist conservator and archaeologist archaeologist and curator archaeologist and curator curator and art historian curator and art historian art historian and conservator

I would select the option: curator and art historian.

During a recent city construction project, workers noticed broken pottery shards. Whom should they call to carefully remove the possible artifacts? (1 point) Responses conservator conservator archaeologist archaeologist curator curator art historian

The workers should call an archaeologist to carefully remove the possible artifacts.

A 200-year-old painting is donated to a museum. Its paint is flaking and the varnish is uneven. Which answer best describes the skills a conservator possesses in order to restore this piece? (1 point) Responses A conservator has knowledge of the best glue and paint with which to repair the flaking. A conservator has knowledge of the best glue and paint with which to repair the flaking. A conservator knows the best placement for the piece in the museum. A conservator knows the best placement for the piece in the museum. A conservator will hide the piece in storage to prevent further damage. A conservator will hide the piece in storage to prevent further damage. A conservator has the skills to paint a replica that replaces the original.

A conservator has knowledge of the best glue and paint with which to repair the flaking.

Which of the following skill sets would a well-rounded curator be most likely to possess? (1 point) Responses knowledge of history, excavation skills, patience knowledge of history, excavation skills, patience patience, scientific understanding of art materials, excellent artistic ability patience, scientific understanding of art materials, excellent artistic ability knowledge of art from specific time periods, understanding of art techniques, outgoing personality knowledge of art from specific time periods, understanding of art techniques, outgoing personality general knowledge of artworks, outgoing personality, organized general knowledge of artworks, outgoing personality, organized

The response with the best skill set that a well-rounded curator would most likely possess is: knowledge of art from specific time periods, understanding of art techniques, outgoing personality.