How does the development of the central conflict in the poem "Captaint my Captain contribute to the overall meaning of the work? The central conflict is melevant to the poem's overall meaning B. The conflict is resolved quickly, diminishing its impact on the poem The development of the deepens the emotional impact of the poem The poem's meaning is solely determined by external factors, not the central conflict

The correct statement is: The development of the central conflict deepens the emotional impact of the poem.

In "O Captain! My Captain!" by Walt Whitman, the central conflict revolves around the death of Abraham Lincoln, with the captain representing Lincoln and the speaker mourning his loss. The development of this central conflict contributes to the overall meaning of the poem by intensifying the sense of grief and loss. The poem explores the theme of mourning and the profound impact that Lincoln's death had on the nation. As the conflict develops, with the speaker's recognition of the captain's death, it evokes powerful emotions and conveys the deep sense of loss and sadness experienced by the American people after Lincoln's assassination. Therefore, the development of the central conflict enhances the emotional impact and meaning of the poem.