What is the endpoint 5,8 before it was translated 3 units down and 1 unit to the left

If the endpoint (5,8) is translated 3 units down and 1 unit to the left, we subtract 3 from the y-coordinate and subtract 1 from the x-coordinate. Therefore, the new endpoint would be (5-1, 8-3) = (4,5).

Reflect the point (13,8) across the y axis. What us the result?

When reflecting a point across the y-axis, the x-coordinate changes its sign while the y-coordinate remains the same.

So, reflecting the point (13,8) across the y-axis results in the point (-13,8).

Reflect the endpoint of a line segment (-5,10) across the x-axis. What is the result?

When reflecting a point across the x-axis, the y-coordinate changes its sign while the x-coordinate remains the same.

So, reflecting the endpoint of the line segment (-5,10) across the x-axis results in the point (-5,-10).