To which time. and audience would the following samples be most relevant answers? Baroque romantic modern electronic jazz ragtime jazz contemporary classical.

- Baroque: The Baroque sample would be most relevant to a time period between the late 16th century and early 18th century. The audience for this sample would be individuals with an interest in classical music from the Baroque era.

- Romantic: The Romantic sample would be most relevant to a time period between the early 19th century and early 20th century. The audience for this sample would be individuals who appreciate emotional and expressive music from this romantic period.

- Modern: The Modern sample would be most relevant to the 20th-century modernist movement in music. The audience for this sample would be individuals who enjoy avant-garde and experimental compositions.

- Electronic: The Electronic sample would be most relevant to the late 20th century and onwards with the rise of electronic music. The audience for this sample would be individuals interested in electronic and synthesized sounds.

- Jazz: The Jazz sample would be most relevant to the early 20th century, specifically the jazz age. The audience for this sample would be individuals who enjoy improvisational and syncopated music.

- Ragtime: The Ragtime sample would also be most relevant to the early 20th century, particularly the period between 1895 and 1918. The audience for this sample would be individuals who appreciate lively and syncopated music with a characteristic "ragged" rhythm.

- Contemporary Classical: The Contemporary Classical sample would be most relevant to the present time and expresses compositions created by contemporary classical composers. The audience for this sample would be individuals who are interested in contemporary classical music and its experimental and innovative aspects.