If a line segment with endpoints (6, 3) and (6, 7) is translated 3 units up and 4 units to the right, how long is the line segment after the translation?(1 point)


10 units

0 units

4 units

There is not enough information to measure the line segment.

To find the length of the line segment, you need to calculate the distance between the two endpoints.

The original line segment has a vertical length of 7 - 3 = 4 units.
After translating 3 units up, the endpoint (6, 7) will move to (6, 7 + 3) = (6, 10).
After translating 4 units to the right, the endpoint (6, 10) will move to (6 + 4, 10) = (10, 10).
The new line segment will have the same x-coordinate of 6, but a y-coordinate of 10 instead of 7.
Therefore, the length of the line segment after the translation is 10 - 3 = 7 units.
Since none of the given options match the correct answer, the correct response is "There is not enough information to measure the line segment."