What connections do you need to figure out when you are critically thinking about your sources?(1 point)


causes and effects
causes and effects

point of view and theme
point of view and theme

relationships and patterns
relationships and patterns

problems and solutions

One connection that you need to figure out when critically thinking about your sources is the connection between causes and effects. Understanding the causes and effects presented in the source can help you evaluate the reliability and validity of the information.

Another connection to consider is the point of view and theme of the source. Understanding the author's perspective and the underlying theme of the source can help you identify potential biases or agendas that may influence the information presented.

Additionally, examining the relationships and patterns within the source can help you assess its credibility. Identifying any logical inconsistencies, contradictions, or patterns of bias can enhance your critical evaluation of the source.

Lastly, considering the problems and solutions presented in the source can be important in assessing its usefulness. Evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed solutions and considering alternative perspectives can contribute to a more well-rounded analysis of the source.