Why are goals? Important for a group discussion is it they keep the discussion on track. They limit open conversation. They keep the discussion short or they limit group participation.

Goals are important for a group discussion because they provide direction and focus to the conversation. Here are a few reasons why goals are important:

1. Keeps the discussion on track: Goals act as guiding principles that assist in keeping the conversation on topic. By establishing clear objectives, the group can steer away from irrelevant or tangential discussions, ensuring that time and effort are not wasted.

2. Provides focus and structure: Goals help the group to determine what specifically needs to be achieved during the discussion. This ensures that members stay focused, contribute relevant ideas, and work towards a common purpose. Without clear goals, the discussion may become scattered, unproductive, and fail to achieve any concrete outcomes.

3. Encourages efficient use of time: Having goals allows the group to prioritize the most important topics or issues, which helps in managing time effectively. Setting time limits for each goal can prevent the discussion from becoming lengthy or overly time-consuming, ensuring that the group addresses all necessary points within a designated timeframe.

4. Balances participation: Goals can also help in promoting equal participation within the group. By setting objectives that require input from all members, individuals are encouraged to contribute their thoughts and ideas, ensuring a more inclusive and collaborative discussion.

While it is true that goals may limit open conversation to some extent, their purpose is to provide structure and direction rather than stifling dialogue. By setting clear and achievable goals, group discussions can be more productive, focused, and inclusive.