A quadratic function f, left bracket, x, right bracket f(x) is hidden from view. You must find all intervals where f, left bracket, x, right bracket f(x) is increasing. Choose the form of the quadratic function f, left bracket, x, right bracket f(x) that you would like to see in order to answer the question most efficiently.

select a form:vertex form,factored form,standard form

To determine the intervals where the quadratic function is increasing, it is most efficient to work with the vertex form of the quadratic function.

The vertex form of a quadratic function is expressed as:

f(x) = a(x - h)^2 + k

Where "a" represents the stretch or compression factor, (h, k) represents the vertex coordinates, and (x - h) determines the horizontal shift.

By analyzing the quadratic function in vertex form, we can easily identify whether it opens upward or downward, the vertex coordinates, and the intervals where it is increasing.

Therefore, the vertex form is the most appropriate choice to efficiently determine the intervals where the quadratic function is increasing.