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From Young Folks' History of Rome By Charlotte M. Yonge
The Apennine Mountains run like a limb stretching out of the Alp eastward, and on them seems formed that land, shaped somewhat like called Italy. There were several nations living round these hills-the Etru and Latins being the chief.
The Latins and the Sabines were more alik
like the Greeks. There were a great many settlements of Greeks in the Italy, and they learned something trom them. They had a great many g had its own guardian. These were called Lares, or Penates, and were represented as little figures of dogs lying by the hearth, or as brass bai
10. Whenever there was a teal in the house the master began by pouring
11. Lares, and also to his own ancestors, of whom he kept figures; for thes
12. much of their families, and all one family had the same name, like our :
14. and the ren having separate names standing fis, Such as Marcus or
15. sisters were only numbered to distinguish them.
Question 1:
Which definition of "chief" best describes the way the author uses it in line 4?
