A miniature golf course charges different prices for adults and children. On Saturday, 50 adults and 50 children played, and the golf course earned $800. On Sunday, 65 adults and 75 children played, and the golf course earned $1,100. How much does the golf course charge for adults?





Let A be the charge for adults and C be the charge for children.

We have the following system of equations:
50A + 50C = 800
65A + 75C = 1100
Multiplying the first equation by 13 and the second equation by 10 gives:
650A + 650C = 10400
650A + 750C = 11000
Subtracting the first equation from the second equation gives:
100C = 600
C = 6
Substituting the value of C into the first equation gives:
50A + 50(6) = 800
50A + 300 = 800
50A = 500
A = 10
The golf course charges $10 for adults. Answer: \boxed{C}.