Kerry invited 23 friends to his pool party they played a game where everyone had to separate into groups each group had the same number of children the game could not be played with all 24 children in one group and each group had to have more than 2 children which of the following are ways that they could divide into groups? Select all that apply answer choices they can form 4 groups of 6 , they can form 12 groups of 2, they can form 8 groups of 3 they can form 4 groups of 9 they can form 2 groups of 12

The ways that they could divide into groups are:

- They can form 4 groups of 6 children.
- They can form 8 groups of 3 children.
- They can form 2 groups of 12 children.

Therefore, the correct answer choices are:
- They can form 4 groups of 6.
- They can form 8 groups of 3.
- They can form 2 groups of 12.